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Country House Sketch
Laptop Writing
Concrete Bucket & Trowel

GeekSuite Exteriors University

An Informed Homeowner is an Empowered Homeowner

Owning a home can sometimes mean repairs need to happen. The only way to be prepared is to stay informed on all the parts of your home. We at GeekSuite Exteriors want you to feel empowered to make the decisions that are best for you. We created this learning portal to help show you everything you need to know about windows, roofing and siding. If you have questions and can't find answers on this page, contact us, and we will always do our best to help you.

Country House Sketch

Scroll or click a house to find more information on 

Anchor 1

Geek Bytes: What Roofing Material is Best For Me?

Coming Soon

It may be time to update your roof if there has been a recent storm in your area, if it has been longer than 10 years since you last did a roof replacement, if you have noticed water stains on your walls or ceiling, or if you just want to give your house it's equivalent of a new hair cut. If that's the case, click through our links and learn all you can about the process, then give us a call.

Do I Need a New Roof?

Now Available

Anchor 2

Geek Bytes: Siding Styles and You

Coming Soon

It may be time to update your siding if it has cracks, splits, or holes, if it has been discolored by weather, if it was made or installed with asbestos, or if the previous homeowner had questionable design preferences. Whatever the case, click through a few links and give us a call and we can get started on creating the home you want today.

Geek Bytes: The Bits and Bobs of Siding

Coming Soon

Anchor 3

Geek Bytes: It's All Just Trim

Coming Soon

It may be time to update your windows if they are chipped, cracked or missing, if there is sticking condensation, if your heating and cooling bills are getting a little out of hand, if you are having trouble seeing your yard, or if you just want to do something nice for your house who has worked so hard for all these years. Windows are our favorite thing, and how our company got started, so give us a call and we can gush about windows together.

Why I Hate Screens

Now Available

How I Learned to Stop Hating Screens and Learned to Love the View

Coming Soon

Concrete Bucket & Trowel
Laptop Writing

It may be time to update your windows if they are chipped, cracked or missing, if there is sticking condensation, if your heating and cooling bills are getting a little out of hand, if you are having trouble seeing your yard, or if you just want to do something nice for your house who has worked so hard for all these years. Windows are our favorite thing, and how our company got started, so give us a call and we can gush about windows together.

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